Our bread and butter is back!
For those New to PCP or have just forgotten as it’s been so long, Custom lobbies, playing unique gametypes with PCP members only is a staple here in our community. A long time ago, our Friday nights consisted of only COD custom lobbies before we expanded out the schedule. It’s where we have congregated, blew off steam, left the rules behind, laughed, cried, got to know and supported each other, made plans to meet up, where we became a community and family, learned why gaming online really matters, and laughed some more. Good times were had weekly with games that you just can’t play within public matches. Using these lobbies for unique games in which stats don’t matter not only helps you practice and play with new toys in creative ways, it also helped facilitate the PCP camaraderie that extended into the teamwork needed for the competition side of the other modes and other games.

This latest addition to the franchise truly feels like a return to the days in which COD was the ‘Go To’ game and lobby for our members. I see many Pigs gaming together, having discussions in the forums and good times have been rolling since release.
If you have Modern Warfare; stop by the lobby, jump into Party chat, take in a few games, share in the laughter and conversation, add to your Friend’s List, and join your fellow Pigs in the greatest of PCP traditions- COD Customs Community Night! I’m excited to see that COD may finally get back on track and give us what we need to connect within a common game.
MW Custom games @9:30pm ET (HOST – Phlipups) -pending crashes 😉
Hosts will be available to open overflow lobbies! If you see that a party is full send a message so that we can accomodate.

Community Manager