Well it should be a surprise to no one that COD is on the schedule for Community Night as well as ALL WEEKEND LONG! For those members new to PCP, we started out as a COD only Community with the original Modern Warfare. We played it all day and night. It was always on the schedule for Friday nights and that is all that was on the schedule for many years. This reboot of Modern Warfare feels like returning home. The BETA felt great and we all have high hopes for the final release.
As is the tradition here at PCP, whenever a new COD drops, the first Community Night is dedicated to itching that addiction… leveling up! Get into parties, share your thoughts, tips and tricks, stomp Timmies, discuss your favorite Gunsmith customizations / loadouts, and try out all the modes available. NO ONE should be gaming alone. Send those invites, accept those invites, jump into parties, grab those lone Pigs, squad up and play with members you might not have gamed with before or haven’t seen for a while, and on top of it all, HAVE FUN!
A new era of Pork Chop Platoon started with the forums refresh and continues with the gaming!
Schedule is ALL Weekend starting Oct 24th 9:00 PM ? Oct 28th, 2019 (Eastern)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Pubs

Community Manager