May 9, 2019 Major Meat

FISTO de Mayo Celebration! 5/10 Community Night

Fisto de Mayo may sound like a weird term to the outsider but to a member of PCP it means a lot.  First of all it means our independence.  5/5/2010 is the date we went live with the site and our members flooded in from a larger older gamer community where we were formed.  We nicknamed the date Fisto de Mayo, the day we all raised our fists in defiance of the odds of making it ‘out on our own’.  Nine years after that moment and we are still kicking strong, playing games together, organizing LANs, discussing topics/gaming news, and just about having the best time.  This has also become a yearly holiday here at PCP to celebrate that day as well as our veteran members that followed us over to the new site and every other member in between then and now.  It shows how strong we were and how much stronger as a family we have become. To many,  many more!
[avatar user=”Phlipups” size=”thumbnail” align=”left” /] Phlipups